Australia Becomes Global Leader in Podcast Listening

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Austin Distel/ Unsplash

Australia has overtaken the U.S. when it comes to podcast consumption, according to new data.

The Infinite Dial Australia report, released by Edison Research and sponsored by industry body CRA, SCA’s LiSTNR and Triton Digital, found 43% of Australians now listen to podcasts each month, compared to 40% last year. This figure puts the country ahead of the U.S..

Weekly podcast listening is also up from 26% to 33%, and one in 10 Australians afed 12 and over listen to a podcast every day.

For those 43% of Australians who have listened to a podcast in the past month, 34% listened on Spotify. YouTube was the second-most popular, with 24% and Apple Podcasts came in third with 11%.

The report was keen to stress however, that digital audio listeners do not limit themselves to a single platform, consuming digital audio through various channels, including AM, FM, DAB+, online streaming, podcasts and smart speakers.

The country also seemingly leads the world in radio listening, with over 79% of Australians aged 12 and over listening to the medium every week. In addition, around 18 million Australians or 81% of the 12+ population, listen to digital audio monthly, up from 78%.

CRA CEO, Ford Ennals, said the research shows Australia’s love of podcasts continues to grow.

“The Infinite Dial 2023 Australia study shows that Australia’s love of podcasts continues to grow. The country has become a global leader in podcast monthly listening. The growth is fuelled by the strength and breadth of Australian content and the popularity of podcasts from broadcast radio,” he said.

The data was compiled off the back of 750 telephone and 756 online interviews, with the panel and data weighted to national 12+ population figures.
