Fortnite Maker Epic Games Raises $144 Million for Ukraine Aid

Fortnite Maker Epic Games Raises $144
Epic Games

Epic Games raised $144 million total for organizations providing humanitarian aid to people affected by Russia’s attack on Ukraine, donating the proceeds that players of its battle-royale game Fortnite spent over a two-week period.

Epic previously announced that Fortnite proceeds from March 20-April 3 would go toward Ukraine relief. Microsoft’s Xbox also joined the effort by donating net proceeds from all sales of Fortnite content on Microsoft Store during the time period.

Epic said the money is going to five organizations: UNICEF; the U.N.’s World Food Programme; UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency; Direct Relief, a nongovernmental organization that says it has deployed nearly 200 tons of medical aid to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s war; and Chef José Andrés’ World Central Kitchen food-relief organization.

“Our deepest thanks to everyone who joined us in supporting humanitarian relief efforts for people affected by the war in Ukraine,” Epic said in a tweet Monday announcing the $144 million figure.

The fundraising effort included all real-money Fortnite purchases made over the two-week period, including V-Buck packs, Fortnite Crew, gifted Battle Passes, and cosmetic packs such as the Voidlander Pack sold for real money. Retail store purchases of in-game cosmetics and V-Bucks cards also were included if they are redeemed in-game during this window. Using V-Bucks in Fortnite were excluded, according to Epic.

The Ukraine humanitarian relief program didn’t alter creator earnings: According to Epic, it separately funded all creator affiliate payments from code usage between March 20-April 3.

From Variety US